What is a Web redirect record, and how to use it?

What is it?

The web redirect record can redirect a request for one URL to another URL. It is also known as URL redirect or HTTP forward and is often written as WR record.

You can use it to make a particular web page available on multiple URL addresses.

There are two types of web redirects:

  • 301 redirect. This redirect is permanent. You will be showing that the URL that was before is already gone for good, and this is the new location of the page that the search engines should learn. Eventually, the search engines will forget the previous URL and remember the new one.
  • 302 redirect. This redirect is temporary. It will tell the search engines that they should not forget the URL and just give it some time to get back. During the time the URL is not working, the traffic can be redirected to the main page or to another. If it is a product page, you can direct to a similar one, so you don’t lose sales.

How to start managing Web redirect records?

What’s inside a Web redirect record?

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What is PaaS? Platform-as-a-service explained 

We all use the word cloud, but do you know what is behind it? Not all offers are the same. IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are very different types of cloud options. Can you distinguish them? And even more, the important question is, do you know which one do you need? Let’s dive deep into the topic “What is PaaS” and discover is it the right choice for you.

What is PaaS?

PaaS is platform-as-a-service. It is a type of cloud computing, one level reacher in functionality than the IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service). With it, the clients get a complete platform for developing and running applications without taking care of the infrastructure and the developing environment.

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5 great caching plugins for WordPress

How is your WordPress site doing? How long have you been running it by now? After a time, things may not run as fast as before. The amount of content uploaded after years or traffic’s increase can make your WordPress sluggish. If you want to power your site’s speed, caching plugins are a great choice.

How do caching plugins work?

WordPress is a dynamic content management system. Every time a user/client explores your website, a process must happen to load each page’s content. Once a page is requested, every part of it (posts, menubar, ads, etc.) is queried by WordPress to the database. To fetch a page’s elements means many calls to this database, code executions, and time.

Continue reading “5 great caching plugins for WordPress”

Web hosting for small businesses – how to choose

So you have no idea how to choose web hosting for your small business? No worries. We will help you make the best possible decision based on your needs and budget for web hosting. Let’s get started!

What will it be the purpose of your site?

When we are talking about small businesses, we often think of just a web presence. If all you need is a place where your client can find your contact information and see your products, this is the easiest and cheapest possible case!

Continue reading “Web hosting for small businesses – how to choose”

Dynamic DNS (DDNS) explained 

What is Dynamic DNS (DDNS)?

The DDNS abbreviation stands for Dynamic Domain Name System. While the typical DNS can link domain names to IP addresses via A or AAAA DNS records, the Dynamic DNS can automatically refresh and change the host’s IP address, so even if its IP address changes, the clients can reach it.

Continue reading “Dynamic DNS (DDNS) explained “

How to make my website more secure

Threats on the Internet are many, and they come with different disguises. Dealing with such risks daily is part of the online adventure for websites’ owners. Everybody, big, medium, and small businesses, can be targeted. The best practice is not to underestimate the importance of securing your business website.

Fortunately, there are different actions you can implement to make your defenses more robust. Let’s check some.

Continue reading “How to make my website more secure”

How does VPN work?

Security online is a big worry for everybody. Enhancing it through different tools and tech resources is a constant task. In this context, VPN is an attractive and efficient solution, businesses and common users should get involved with. 

What is VPN?

VPN is Virtual Private Network, and it is a protocol that allows you to turn a public connection into a private network. VPN is a helpful ally to strengthen security by protecting data and making your Internet connection safer.

Continue reading “How does VPN work?”

SPF record explained 

What is SPF (Sender Policy Framework)?

There are various ways that cyber-criminals can forge emails. They can modify the “Mail from” and make the emails look like they are coming from a specific domain when they are not. The SPF. Sender policy framework protocol is here to put strict rules. With SPF, the domain administrator can strictly limit who can send emails from the domain. The other part, the receiver, has a mechanism to check the authorization and take the necessary measures.

The outcome of the SPF evaluation can be:

  • None – No SPF record was found, or the record was not properly configured.
  • Neutral – The DNS admin is not stating that a particular IP address is authorized.
  • Pass – The client is authorized to inject emails with the identity provided.
  • Fail – Not authorized to use the domain.
  • Softfail – Probably not authorized. There is a stronger “Fail” missing.
  • Temperror – Currently, there is an error, most probably related to the DNS. Later, if retry again, the problem could be gone.
  • Permerror – Permanent error. The DNS admin must fix an error because otherwise, the SPF record could not be understood.

Why do you need a DNS SPF record?

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